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Democracy Now! has covered abortion restrictions enacted since Roe v. Wade – and the fight to keep the procedure safe and affordable. Browse through the stories below to see our reports on “Targeted Regulation of Abortion Providers” (TRAP) laws, and the providers who remain the target of violence. We also interview advocates like Katha Pollitt, who argues abortion is a social good, and cover controversial stances by lawmakers and candidates who oppose abortion in all situations, including those of rape and incest, and when a mother’s health is endangered.

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StoryFeb 05, 1998
StoryJul 24, 1997


StoryFeb 28, 1997

Christian Soldiers

StoryJan 21, 1997

Abortion clinic bombings

StoryNov 04, 1996

Bob Dole and Abortion

StorySep 19, 1996

Late Term Abortions.

StoryAug 12, 1996

Republicans and Abortion

StoryAug 08, 1996

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