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Adnan Syed, Subject of “Serial” Podcast, Freed from Prison as Judge Vacates Murder Conviction

HeadlineSep 20, 2022

In Baltimore, supporters of Adnan Syed are celebrating his release from prison Monday, after a Maryland judge vacated his murder conviction. The 41-year-old Syed had spent 23 years behind bars after being convicted of the 1999 murder of his ex-girlfriend, Hae Min Lee. His case gained international attention when the award-winning podcast “Serial” reexamined his conviction and raised new questions about his guilt. A Baltimore County circuit court judge has ordered new DNA testing in the case — tests that were not available at the time of Syed’s conviction. Syed could still face a new trial. State’s Attorney for Baltimore Marilyn Mosby spoke on Monday. 

Marilyn Mosby: “We’re not yet declaring — not yet declaring Adnan Syed is innocent, but we are declaring that in the interest of fairness and justice, he is entitled to a new trial.”

Mosby said she’ll look into whether two alternative suspects may have murdered Hae Min Lee — including one who threatened to “make her disappear” and kill her. 

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