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NYPD Cop Fired For Refusing to Take Off his Turban and Shave his Beard

StoryAugust 12, 2003
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We speak with the attorney for Amric Singh Rathour, the policeman who was fired on June 18 last year for refusing to take off his turban and shave his beard. He has filed a federal discrimination complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission on behalf of his client.

  • Ravinder Singh Bhalla, attorney for Amric Singh Rathour, an NYPD cop who was fired on June 18 last year for refusing to take off his turban and shave his beard. Bhalla filed a federal discrimination complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.
  • * “Lest We Forget”* — Exclusive to Democracy Now! a clip from a documentary film on post 9-11 immigration and deportation in America by 25 year old New York filmmaker Jason Da Silva. Narration is provided by Suheir Hammad.

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