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Iraqis Still Paying War Reparations to U.S. Corporations

HeadlineOct 22, 2004

Meanwhile in the Guardian of London, jouranlist Naomi Klein reports that the cash-strapped Iraqi governnent was forced yesterday to pay $200 million in reparations to foreign countries and corporations stemming from Saddam Hussein’s 1990 invasion of Kuwait. Since Hussein was toppled the post-Hussein Iraqi government had paid out a total of $1.8 billion in reparations — and nearly 80 percent of that has gone to foreign corporations. According to Klein millions will go to U.S. corporations who claimed there business was somehow harmed — even if in the most indirect way — by the Kuwait invasion. Some of the corporations profiting include Texaco, Halliburton, Bechtel, Mobil, Shell, Nestle, Pepsi, Phillip Morris, Sheraton hotels, Kentucky Fried Chicken and Toys R Us.

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