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Ebola Toll in West Africa Tops 10,000 on Outbreak’s 1st Anniversary

HeadlineMar 23, 2015

The record outbreak of Ebola in West Africa has marked its first anniversary, with more than 10,000 people dead. Liberia announced its first confirmed case of Ebola in weeks Friday, quashing hopes the country had eliminated the virus. Guinea and Sierra Leone have continued to report about 100 to 200 new cases combined each week. Guinea recently reported a doubling of cases over the course of a month, with three doctors among those falling ill. Sierra Leone, meanwhile, has announced plans for a two-day quarantine this week, when nearly the entire country will be told to remain indoors. Reflecting on the anniversary of the outbreak, the group Doctors Without Borders criticized the slow international response, saying: “For the Ebola outbreak to spiral this far out of control required many institutions to fail. And they did, with tragic and avoidable consequences.”

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