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Rising Tide NYC Holds 3 Days of Actions Against Climate Change

HeadlineApr 22, 2015

Activists rallied at the office of New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo Tuesday to call for him to reject a proposed deepwater port which would be used to import natural gas. Patrick Robbins of Sane Energy Project said Cuomo should reject Port Ambrose and support renewable energy.

Patrick Robbins: “We’re here today to tell Governor Cuomo to veto Port Ambrose, a liquified natural gas port that would be built off the coast of Long Island. We have other options. We know that we can build offshore wind in that same area. That is what the people want. That is what they need. We want clean, renewable jobs. We’re asking Governor Cuomo to stand with the people and not the private equity and the big banks that want Port Ambrose to be built.”

The protest marked the second of three days of action on climate change by Rising Tide NYC. On Monday, the group marked the fifth anniversary of the BP oil disaster. The explosion of the Deepwater Horizon rig on April 20, 2010, killed 11 workers and sparked the worst offshore oil spill in U.S. history. Kate McNeely and Ana Nogueira said they were standing in solidarity with Gulf Coast residents, who continue to suffer from the spill’s impacts.

Kate McNeely: “Standing in solidarity with Gulf South communities that are asking BP to stop lying, pay what they owe, and that fossil fuels must go.”

Ana Nogueira: “Disasters like the BP oil spill that happened five years ago are not one-off things. It’s going to happen again. It’s not a matter of if, it’s a matter of when. We can no longer have our communities be sacrifice zones. There are alternatives.”

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