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House Lawmakers Seek Immediate Removal of Trump from Office

HeadlineJan 07, 2021

Multiple news outlets report members of President Trump’s Cabinet have discussed invoking the 25th Amendment to remove President Trump from power. Such a move would require the support of a majority of Cabinet members, as well as Vice President Mike Pence. Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee wrote to Pence Wednesday demanding he take such action. Joining the call was the president of the National Association of Manufacturers, representing 14,000 corporations.

Minnesota Democratic Congressmember Ilhan Omar said she is drafting articles of impeachment. Her bid has already drawn the support of more than two dozen lawmakers.

Meanwhile, newly sworn-in Democratic Congressmember Cori Bush of Missouri tweeted, “My first resolution in Congress will be to call for the expulsion of the Republican members of Congress who incited this domestic terror attack on the Capitol.”

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