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Kansas City Mass Shooting Came on Sixth Anniversary of Parkland School Massacre

HeadlineFeb 15, 2024

The shooting in Kansas City came on the sixth anniversary of the Parkland, Florida, school massacre, when a 19-year-old gunman shot dead 17 people and injured 17 others at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.

To mark the anniversary, gun control advocates traveled to Washington to play for lawmakers a series of AI-generated audio messages featuring the voices of students killed in Parkland. This is an AI-generated message from Joaquin Oliver, who was shot dead at the age of 17.

AI-generated voice of Joaquin Oliver: “Hello. I am Joaquin Oliver. Six years ago, I was a senior at Parkland. Many students and teachers were murdered on Valentine’s Day that year by a person using an AR-15. But you don’t care. You never did. It’s been six years, and you’ve done nothing — not a thing — to stop all the shootings that have continued to happen since. The thing is, I died that day in Parkland. My body was destroyed by a weapon of war. I’m back today because my parents used AI to recreate my voice to call you. Other victims like me will be calling, too, again and again, to demand action. How many calls will it take for you to care? How many dead voices will you hear before you finally listen? Every day your inaction creates more voices. If you fail to act now, we’ll find someone who will.”

The AI-generated audio appears on a new website called “The Shotline,” where the recordings can be sent to lawmakers. On Wednesday, Joaquin Oliver’s parents, Manny and Patricia, were set to appear on CNN to talk about this new project when news broke about the shooting in Kansas City.

Brianna Keilar: “We had an entirely different interview that we were going to do here, just to talk about some of the work that you guys are doing on Capitol Hill trying to bring about awareness and change. And you see this happening as you were here visiting Washington. What is on your mind as you’re watching this?”

Manuel Oliver: “I’m not surprised at all. It’s like, literally, 'We interrupt this interview because we have another mass shooting going on.' Then you might be interrupting that one because it was going to be another one. So it never stops.”

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