Student Center Theater, Sondra and David S. Mack Student Center, North Campus
Hofstra has a long and distinguished tradition of hosting conferences on the administrations of all the Presidents of the United States who have served during the University’s lifetime, from Franklin Delano Roosevelt forward. During each conference, Hofstra brings together scholars, policy makers, and journalists for a series of panels and roundtables to discuss a president’s campaign, political leadership, policy agenda, and legacy.
Part I:
Perspectives From Administration Officials
Porter J. Goss
Director, Central Intelligence Agency, 2004-2006
Director, Central Intelligence, 2004-2005
Chairman, U.S. House of Representatives Intelligence Committee,
1997-2004; U.S. Congressman, FL 13th District, 1989-1993;
14th District, 1993-2004
John D. Negroponte
Vice Chairman, McLarty Associates
Brady-Johnson Distinguished Fellow in Grand Strategy and
Senior Lecturer in International Affairs,
Jackson Institute for Global Affairs, Yale University
U.S. Deputy Secretary of State, 2007-2009
Director of National Intelligence, 2005-2007
U.S. Ambassador to Iraq, 2004
U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, 2001-2004
Part II:
Perspectives From Journalists and Scholars
Carolyn Eisenberg
Professor of History
Hofstra College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Hofstra University
Amy Goodman
Host and Executive Producer
Democracy Now!
Stephen F. Knott
Professor of National Security Affairs
United States Naval War College
Bernard J. Firestone, Dean
Hofstra College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Professor of Political Science
Hofstra University
If you attend the event, we’d love to see your photos posted on social media! On Twitter, please use @democracynow and #AmyGoodman. Tag us on Facebook, Instagram, Google+ and Tumblr!
The Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard honored Goodman with the 2014 I.F. Stone Medal for Journalistic Independence Lifetime Achievement Award....