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Protesting the War on Women and the “War on Terror”

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    As President Bush and Karl Rove launch the largest political fundraising campaign in history, women’s rights advocates join forces with the peace movement to protest today’s fundraiser in NYC.

    President Bush and the Republican Party have launched the largest political fundraising drive in history.

    Last week, more than a thousand CEOs, lobbyists and other wealthy Republicans paid $2,000 a piece for access to the ballroom of a Washington hotel where they were treated to hotdogs, nachos — and President Bush.

    Bush said: “There’s nothing like having a few friends over for a cocktail or two.”

    But the event was far more than a cocktail party with unusual hors d’oeuvres. It was the first event, in a first wave, of fundraising blitzes. Over the next few weeks, Bush is scheduled to make 10 paid appearances at receptions, lunches and dinners. He makes his New York City fundraising appearance today.

    The presidential offensive is unexpectedly early. Federal election law stipulates that the money Bush raises in these efforts can only be used through the Republican convention at the end of next summer — and Bush faces no primary opposition.

    According to the Washington Post, Republican officials say they will use the money for television ads that will boost Bush’s image and attack Democrats.

    In addition, several GOP strategists told the Post, Bush has directed his team not to give him “a lonely victory.” He wants to create a long-term, durable governing Republican majority.

    Senior White House adviser Karl Rove is directing the behind-the-scenes operations. The plan will use every political and governmental strategy available, including maximizing the advantages of the war on terrorism, neutralizing a Democratic strength by adding a prescription drug benefit to Medicare, and potentially waging an ideologically charged battle, if a Supreme Court vacancy opens up.

    The Washington Post also reports the Bush team is targeting swing voters and elements of the Democratic coalition, including Latinos, married women, white union workers, Jews and what GOP officials call the growing “investor” class.

    Bush will face opposition. For the first time ever, Planned Parenthood today officially joins forces with United for Peace and Justice to protest Bush?s appearance in New York. The protest will be outside the Sheraton Hotel, 51st and 7th Ave, where President Bush is holding his fundraiser is being held from 5:00 to 7:00pm.

    Next week, President Bush signs into law a ban on so-called “partial birth” abortions.

    • Carla Goldstein, Vice President of Public Affairs of Planned Parenthood, NYC
    • Leslie Cagan, organizer with United for Peace and Justice
    • Lisa Martens, Christian Peacemaker Team member who remained in Baghdad after several fellow peace activists were expelled. She recently returned to Winnipeg and spoke to a local audience about her experience as a human shield.

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