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Canada: Activists Sit-In at Trudeau’s Home to Demand Tar Sands Freeze

HeadlineNov 06, 2015

In Canada, dozens of people have launched a four-day sit-in at Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s home to call for a freeze on tar sands expansion. The protesters are also calling on Canada to transition toward a clean energy economy and to honor government treaties with First Nations. Organizer Clayton Thomas-Muller outlined the demands.

Clayton Thomas-Muller: “Number one, that we freeze the expansion of the Alberta tar sands. And the second ask that we have, of course, is that we unthaw investment into Canada’s renewable energy economy, and that it’s done so in a just transition framework.”

Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau was sworn into office this week. Last month, oil giant Shell abandoned its plans to construct a massive new tar sands mine, citing concerns there aren’t enough pipelines to transport the crude oil. The construction of major new pipelines to move Alberta tar sands crude has faced massive resistance, especially by First Nations.

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