The British charity Oxfam has been hit with dozens more misconduct allegations involving a slew of countries, in the days since The Times of London revealed Oxfam tried to cover up sex crimes by senior aid workers in Haiti after the devastating 2010 earthquake. On Monday, Oxfam released its own internal report into the sex scandal, in which Oxfam senior aid workers, including the country director, hired prostitutes at Oxfam properties and then tried to cover it up. Prostitution is illegal in Haiti, but Oxfam refused to report the activity of its aid workers to Haitian police. Oxfam’s internal report also includes claims that three Oxfam staff members physically threatened a witness during the charity’s internal investigation. Haiti has threatened to expel Oxfam from the country. This is Haiti’s external cooperation minister, Aviol Fleurant.
Aviol Fleurant: “An investigation has been launched into the functioning of all nongovernmental organizations regarding sexual crimes and abuse. The state will be keeping a vigilant eye on the actions of humanitarian workers. As required by the president of the republic, there will be new rules of cooperation and government concerning developmental aid.”
Thousands of people have canceled their donations to Oxfam since the scandal broke.