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Bush to Increase Dissident Funding in Iran

HeadlineMar 04, 2005

The Los Angeles Times is reporting that the Bush administration is considering increasing it’s funding of dissidents within Iran beginning with a new $3-million fund. A Senior White House official told the paper that now that Condoleezza Rice is Secretary of State “We can now be much more aggressive [about Iran] than we had been. The guys at the State Department were too afraid to try anything during the first term.” But a State Department official asked, “Is the policy regime change? Everyone says it’s not, including Condi. So what is it we’re trying to do, and how are we going to do it without having a lot of blood on our hands?” One official who will have a big say on Iran policy is Elizabeth Cheney, the daughter of the vice president, who returned to the State Department this month to head so-called democracy promotion efforts. The United States is already spending more than $14 million a year to broadcast Persian-language radio and television programs into Iran, and the White House is seeking a sharp increase in that funding.

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