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Video Alleged to Show Sri Lankan Forces Executing Tamil Prisoners

HeadlineSep 03, 2009

In Sri Lanka, video footage has emerged reportedly showing Sri Lankan soldiers summarily executing Tamil rebels. The footage was supplied by a Sri Lankan advocacy group but hasn’t been independently verified. It reportedly shows Sri Lankan soldiers killing unarmed, naked and blindfolded Tamils during clashes earlier this year. Sri Lanka has dismissed the videos as a forgery. The US ambassador to the UN, Susan Rice, said the videos could be taken up at the Security Council.

UN Ambassador Susan Rice: “These reports are very disturbing. They are of grave concern. We’d like more information as we formulate our own national response. And to date, going back now to council president, I’m not aware of a council member proposing that this be discussed on the council agenda, but obviously these reports are very fresh, and that could change.”

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