Protesters took to the streets of Cancún on Monday night to demonstrate against the U.N. COP16 talks. More than 150 demonstrators with the anti-capitalist bloc marched from the Via Campesina camp, where they are staying, through the streets and main thoroughfares in Cancún. They marched, waved flags and chanted slogans against the summit. They also had a bus with a memorial painted on one side of Lee Kyung Hae, the South Korean farmer and activist who committed ritual suicide in Cancún in 2003 during the World Trade Organization talks in protest of the organization’s agricultural policies. Democracy Now! spoke with one of the protesters yesterday as the march was about to begin.
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CRISTIAN GUERRERO: My name is Cristian Guerrero. I’m with Marea Creciente Mexico. I’m Ecuadorian American. We’re here in Cancún for the COP16, and we’re here in the Via Campesina camp, part of the international anti-COP space. And we’re preparing for a march against green capitalism, mega-projects and false solutions. We’re marching to the PROFEPA, which is the EPA, let’s say, of Mexico.
We’re calling for the World Bank to be out of the climate change process. We’re asking for the Mexican government to review large mega-projects that are happening in the country and generally asking civil society to get engaged in this issue and revealing false solutions to climate change, techno-fixes or different mechanisms that are used within the COP that are basically the wrong direction in solving the climate process.
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