Labor activists targeted the clothing retailer H&M over the safety of its supplier factories in Bangladesh. As H&M shareholders met in Sweden, organizers rallied in front of the Times Square H&M store to demand safe conditions.
Elizabeth Cline: “My name is Elizabeth Cline. I am a journalist and the author of 'Overdressed: The Shockingly High Cost of Cheap Fashion.' And I’m out here today to demand that H&M provide safe working conditions for their Bangladeshi factory workers. They have over 100,000 workers making their clothes in Bangladesh, and currently the majority of them are in—working in facilities without legal fire exits. So, their lives are literally on the line in the name of making cheap clothes for Western consumers. No one should die in the name of making cheap fashion.”
In February, an H&M supplier factory in Bangladesh caught fire early in the morning, before most of the factory’s 6,000 workers arrived.