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VIDEO: NBC Releases Wife’s Cellphone Footage of Police Shooting of Keith Lamont Scott in Charlotte

Web ExclusiveSeptember 23, 2016
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NBC News has obtained cellphone video capturing Keith Lamont Scott’s shooting by police in Charlotte, North Carolina, filmed and narrated by Scott’s wife Rakeyia Scott.

The shooting happened around 4:00 p.m. Tuesday after police arrived to serve an arrest warrant for another person at Scott’s housing complex. Accounts of the shooting diverge sharply. While the police claim they first tased and then shot Scott because he was armed and “posed an imminent deadly threat,” Scott’s family says he was not armed—except with a book in hand. They say he had been sitting in his car, waiting to pick up his son after school.

For a third night in a row Thursday, protesters chanted “release the video!” as they took to the streets in Charlotte, North Carolina, and called for police to release video of the shooting. Scott’s grieving family has been shown the dashboard and body camera videos of his fatal shooting, but Charlotte Police Chief Kerr Putney says he had no plans to release the police video at this time.

See Democracy Now!’s coverage of the protests in Charlotte with artist and activist Bree Newsome and Corine Mack, president of the NAACP Charlotte-Mecklenburg Branch.

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This is a rush transcript. Copy may not be in its final form.

RAKEYIA SCOTT: Don’t shoot him. Don’t shoot him. He has no weapon. He has no weapon. Don’t shoot him.

POLICE OFFICER: Gun! Gun! Drop the gun! Drop the f**king gun!

RAKEYIA SCOTT: Don’t shoot him! Don’t shoot him. He didn’t do anything.

POLICE OFFICER: Drop the gun! Drop the gun! Drop the gun!

RAKEYIA SCOTT: He doesn’t have a gun. He has a TBI.

POLICE OFFICER: Drop the gun!

RAKEYIA SCOTT: He’s not going to do anything to you guys. He just took his medicine.

POLICE OFFICER: Drop the gun! Let me get a f**king baton over here.

RAKEYIA SCOTT: Keith, don’t let them break the windows. Come on out the car!

POLICE OFFICER: Drop the gun!

RAKEYIA SCOTT: Keith, don’t do it.

POLICE OFFICER: Drop the gun!

RAKEYIA SCOTT: Keith, get out the car. Keith, Keith! Don’t you do it. Don’t you do it. Keith! Keith! Keith! Don’t you do it! F**k! Did you shoot him? Did you shoot him? Did you shoot him? He better not be f**king dead! He better not be f**king dead! I know that f**king much. I know that much, he better not be dead! I’m not going to come near you; I’m going to record, though.


RAKEYIA SCOTT: I’m not coming near you. I’m going to record, though. He better be alive, because I’m—you better be alive! How about that? Yes, we’re over here at 9453 Lexington Court. These are the police officers that shot my husband. And he better live. He better live. Because he didn’t do nothing to them.

POLICE OFFICER: Is everybody good? Are you good?

RAKEYIA SCOTT: He don’t—ain’t nobody touch nobody, so they all good.


RAKEYIA SCOTT: I know he better live. I know he better live. How about that? I’m not coming to you guys, but he better live. He better live. Y’all hear this and you see this, right? He better live. He better live. I swear he better live. Yup, he better live. He better f**king live. He better live. Where is—he better f**king live. And I can’t even believe—


RAKEYIA SCOTT: I ain’t going nowhere! I’m in the same damn spot! The f**k! That’s OK. Did you all call the police? I mean, did you all call the ambulance?

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“Tragic Beyond Proportions”: Attorney Ben Crump on Sonya Massey’s Killing and Police Cover-Up

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