In upstate New York, residents are continuing to call for the resignation from the Buffalo school board of Carl Paladino, former New York state co-chair of Trump’s presidential campaign, over his racist comments about President Obama and first lady Michelle Obama. In December, Paladino responded to a question from Artvoice, a local alternative weekly newspaper, about what he most wanted to happen in 2017 by writing, “Obama catches mad cow disease after being caught having relations with a Herford. … Michelle Obama. I’d like her to return to being a male and let loose in the outback of Zimbabwe where she lives comfortably in a cave with Maxie, the gorilla.” He said he meant to send this to friends, but mistakenly sent it to the newspaper. The Buffalo school board voted 6-2 Thursday night to give Paladino 24 hours to resign or face ouster over the racist comments. On Monday, Paladino told The Buffalo News he’s still in good standing with Donald Trump. Trump has not commented on Paladino’s statements.