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Bangladesh’s Interim Leader Muhammad Yunus Vows to Help Rohingya Refugees Who Fled Burma

HeadlineAug 19, 2024

In Bangladesh, interim leader Muhammad Yunus vowed to support the more than 1 million Rohingya refugees living in his country, as he gave his first major policy address. Yunus, who has been charged with leading Bangladesh’s transition after the ouster of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, said, “We need the sustained efforts of the international community for Rohingya humanitarian operations and their eventual repatriation to their homeland, Myanmar, with safety, dignity and full rights.” Rohingya refugees continue to face persecution in Burma and deadly attacks as they make the treacherous journey to Bangladesh.

Mohammed Saber: “The Arakan Army raided our village and killed many people. Some 60 people in my village were killed. Some people took refuge under the water in the canal nearby. Some of them died, as well. We couldn’t count the bodies. … A trafficker asked for money to ferry us to Bangladesh. I assured him that my brother-in-law lives abroad and will make the transfer, so he took us on board his boat. Many of us embarked the boat. The Myanmar army fired when we were in the middle of the sea. Around 45 people died. Some were wounded and passed away later. … I will do whatever it takes to keep my family alive. I don’t have a penny left.”

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