In other news from Russia, Pavel Kushnir, a pianist who was jailed for making videos condemning the war on Ukraine, has died while in pretrial detention.
Meanwhile, Russian human rights advocate Oleg Orlov, who was recently freed in an historic prisoner swap, says he has spoken with other released dissidents about possible future prisoner exchanges. Orlov, leader of the Nobel Peace Prize-winning group Memorial, gave interviews Wednesday from Berlin, where he is living in exile.
Oleg Orlov: “Only super repressive laws and jailing, jailing, jailing. And these are demonstrative jailings that are showing society: 'This is what will happen to you. Have a look.' That’s the only thing that disrupted the wave of the antiwar movement. And still, I’m sure, if the repressive component was reduced just a little, just a tiny bit, we’ll see how much the public actually supports Putin. We will see the reality, not the illusion that is being created now.”