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Mom Protests War on Eve of Son’s Deployment to Iraq

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Mimi Evans came to Camp Casey from Massachusetts because her son is soon to be deployed to fight a war she doesn’t believe in. [includes rush transcript]

Mimi Evans is anxious regarding her son’s impending deployement in Iraq. She said, “My son is going to Iraq based on lies, and…nothing has come forward — nothing to show any of us mothers that our sons are going there to fight for a noble cause.”

  • Mimi Evans, her son is a marine who is about to be deployed to Iraq.

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This is a rush transcript. Copy may not be in its final form.

AMY GOODMAN: We’re now joined by Mimi Evans. Her son is headed to Iraq in just a few days. She’s here in Crawford, Texas, outside the ranch of President Bush. Welcome to Democracy Now!

MIMI EVANS: Thank you very much.

AMY GOODMAN: Talk about why you’re here. When is your son leaving?

MIMI EVANS: My son should be leaving within a week to ten days, and I’m here. It’s funny, every sunrise is beautiful, but it just reminds me that he’s one day closer to leaving, and I’m getting more and more anxious about that. I felt — in fact, I said goodbye to him on Monday of this week. He came to see me, and on Tuesday, I came down here.

AMY GOODMAN: Where do you live?

MIMI EVANS: I live in Massachusetts.

AMY GOODMAN: Where does he live?

MIMI EVANS: He’s stationed at the Marine base in North Carolina.

AMY GOODMAN: How does he feel about going to Iraq?

MIMI EVANS: He’s a Marine, and we know the Marines are — they do what they have to do. And he just also called me to say that he and his wife were expecting their first child, just the other night, so, you know, that kind of ups the stakes for him needing to come back.

AMY GOODMAN: What is the message you want to convey to President Bush?

MIMI EVANS: My son is going to Iraq based on lies, and it’s very clear — I wanted to believe and my son wanted to believe, too, but nothing has come forward — nothing, to show any of us mothers that our sons are going there to fight for a noble cause. My son is going there, not for weapons of mass destruction, not because we’ve declared war, not because a mushroom cloud is imminent, not to fight terrorism because no Iraqis have — were involved in 9/11 or in London or in Spain, and I really want to know why he’s going. I think that’s a fair question.

AMY GOODMAN: Mimi Evans, I want to thank you very much for joining us.

MIMI EVANS: You’re welcome.

AMY GOODMAN: Mimi Evans’ son is headed to Iraq in just a few days.

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