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Annan: Disappointed It Took So Long To Reach Ceasefire

HeadlineAug 14, 2006

After Friday’s vote, UN Secretary General Kofi Annan criticized the international community for taking so long to secure a ceasefire.

  • Kofi Annan: “I would be remiss if I did not tell you how profoundly disappointed I am that the Council did not reach this point much, much earlier. And I am convinced that my disappointment and sense of frustration are shared by hundreds of millions of people around the world.”

Meanwhile Lebanon’s Acting Foreign Minister Tareq Mitri accused Israel of ravaging Lebanon.

  • Tareq Mitri:” “For a month now, as the world continues to watch and the international community continues to work, Israel has besieged and ravaged Lebanon, creating a humanitarian and environmental disaster and shattering our infrastructure and economy.”
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