Miro is a free HD video player. It can play almost any video file and offers over 6,000 free internet TV shows and video podcasts.
Miro has a simple, gorgeous interface designed for fullscreen HD video. Since Miro downloads most videos, you can take your shows with you, even on an airplane. Quite simply, Miro is a better way to watch all the video you care about.
Best of all, Miro is 100% free and open source, developed by a non-profit organization and volunteers around the world.
In a nutshell, here’s what’s new with Miro 2.0:
- A beautiful, all-new widget based interface
- Browse while you watch– pop out any video to an external window
- Miro is now faster, more responsive, and uses less memory
- You can add streaming sites like Hulu to your sidebar
- You can add download sites like Archive.org or legaltorrents.com to your sidebar and download to Miro with a single click
- Improved playlists
- New compact, sortable list view
- Better audio support
Check out the Democracy Now! Miro page here