In London, a judge ruled Tuesday to uphold the British arrest warrant for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, who has been holed up in the Ecuadorean Embassy in London for more than five years. Assange’s lawyers tried unsuccessfully to argue the British arrest warrant for jumping bail should be rescinded, because it’s related to a Swedish sexual assault investigation against Assange, which has since been dropped. Tuesday’s ruling means Assange’s legal situation has not changed. After Tuesday’s ruling, Ecuadorean President Lenín Moreno said Ecuador would continue to protect Assange.
President Lenín Moreno: “We are not afraid of anything, of nothing other than those that escape the respect of freedom, respect for dignity. That is the only thing we can fear. Mr. Assange is an inherited problem. He is a problem that is not comfortable, under no circumstances. No country would be comfortable in a similar circumstance. However, we have made a commitment from the start to continue protecting the life of Mr. Assange, which we think is in danger.”