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4 Million Take to the Streets for Global Climate Strike

HeadlineSep 23, 2019

As many as 4 million people took to the streets around the world Friday in the largest day of action focused on the climate crisis. Students across the globe participated in a climate strike inspired by the 16-year-old Swedish activist Greta Thunberg, who began her weekly school strike for the climate in front of the Swedish parliament just over a year ago. This is Greta Thunberg speaking in New York City Friday.

Greta Thunberg: “We will rise to the challenge. We will hold those who are the most responsible for this crisis accountable, and we will make the world leaders act. We can, and we will. And if you belong to that small group of people who feel threatened by us, then we have some very bad news for you, because this is only the beginning. Change is coming, whether they like it or not.”

We’ll have more voices from the streets of New York after headlines.

Meanwhile, the U.N. released an alarming new report warning that the five-year period from 2014 to 2019 is the hottest on record, marked by accelerating sea-level rise and soaring carbon emissions. The World Meteorological Organization released the report ahead of the U.N. Climate Action Summit that kicks off in New York City today. President Trump is not participating in the highly anticipated international gathering.

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