DANNY DEVITO: I look forward to Democracy Now! every single day. I’m like — you know how much I love the show, because it’s really — not only because it’s listener-supported, which is why I’m asking you to give as much money as you can to Democracy Now!, because we have to keep it on the air. It’s been on for 25 years. We need another 25 years. Danny and I are going to be there on the next 25th anniversary.
DANNY GLOVER: Is that a promise?
DANNY DEVITO: You bet it. And I’m telling you, like, we know — you know, Danny and I had the pleasure of working together recently, and we had such a great time. And the first thing that came up when we were talking was Democracy Now! and Amy Goodman and Nermeen Shaikh —
DANNY GLOVER: Absolutely.
DANNY DEVITO: — and Juan González and these people who work tirelessly to get us the best look at what’s going on in the world, not the clouded stuff, not the stuff in the closet.
DANNY GLOVER: Not the corporate stuff.
DANNY DEVITO: You know, because the corporations and the government doesn’t want us to hear it, the reverse totalitarian view. We don’t get that. We get the real deal. We talk to the people all over the world every day. We listen to them, listen to what’s going on in their lives. And that’s what we dig about it. And I’m a supporter. Danny G. is a supporter.
DANNY GLOVER: I’m a supporter.
DANNY DEVITO: A devotee.
DANNY GLOVER: A major supporter, yeah. We get the news that’s important for us as citizens.
DANNY DEVITO: That’s right.
DANNY GLOVER: We’re getting — we need information. We can only respond as citizens to what our needs are by getting the right information. And Democracy Now! provides us with the right information, and has done that for a quarter of a century.
DANNY DEVITO: I really feel like one of the most important things that happens, you know, besides listening every day and being on there and getting all the real stuff from Democracy Now!, I try to give my kids and their friends and their younger kids — I wear my hat all the time. I was looking for it. I must have stuck it in a closet. I wear the hat all the time. You’ve got to wear the colors. I carry the bag. I go to work with it. I do everything with it.
But the idea is that what we need to do — and I feel like everybody who’s a friend and is going to be a friend of Democracy Now! once they listen to it and watch it is to tell younger people about it, because I think we need to get it out there. Kids don’t know where to look. They have so much information coming in with this, that and TokTik and this, that, TikTok and, you know, who’s that and what whats and what’s that, and there’s so many channels. You know, when we were younger, there were the three channels, and you got all the lies from CBS, NBC and ABC. That’s it. And we believed it. But now we have somebody who’s going to give us the truth. And I think it’s really important for us to, like, tell kids, tell younger generations of it.
I’ve done it, where I’ve gone up to people, you know, who said — they mention a movie, a kid movie that I’ve done. And I go up, and I’ll talk to the family, sitting there with the father and mother. And I ask the kids — I don’t ask the parents. I say, “Do you know what Democracy Now! is?” And usually they go, “No, no. I don’t know.” So I get an opportunity to tell not only the kids, but the parents, while they’re right there. It’s really important for us to spread the word to Democracy Now!
You can visit democracynow.org/donate. That’s a general, easy way to do it. Or you can text “celebrate” — C-E-L-E-B-R-A-T-E — to 66866, and do it that way. Or use the QR code that’s about to appear on your screen. We’re committed to Democracy Now!, and I know Danny is, too. Right, Dan?
DANNY GLOVER: I’m committed to Democracy Now! and getting the truth out.
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