Hind Rajab, the 6-year-old Gazan girl who had been missing for nearly two weeks, was found dead on Saturday. Relatives found Hind’s body inside a car alongside the dead bodies of five of her family members. The bodies of two rescue workers who were attempting to reach Hind were also discovered. Audio of Hind’s harrowing call with emergency dispatchers was heard around the world as the terrified child begged for someone to come get her as an Israeli tank approached her. The car where Hind was found was covered in bullet holes. The Palestine Red Crescent Society said Israeli forces also targeted its ambulance as it arrived on the scene. Emergency workers Yusuf Zeino and Ahmed al-Madhoun had found their way to Hind but appear to have been killed by Israeli fire just yards away from her vehicle. This is Hind’s mother, Wissam Hamadah, after she learned of her daughter’s killing.
Wissam Hamadah: “My heart is completely destroyed over my daughter. Two weeks! They killed them. Two weeks, they were in that car! I’ve told the world from day one, 'Please go get Hind.' God is the only one sufficient for us. Everyone failed us. I will tell God on the day of judgment about my daughter. I swear I will never forgive you or any human involved or any human rights organization.”