To watch Amy Goodman’s Special Video Message for our Facebook Fans, click here.
As 2010 draws to a close, I want to thank you for watching Democracy Now! and for choosing a news source that’s committed to the truth. Five days a week, Democracy Now! delivers headlines directly to your Facebook page for free, keeping you and your friends up-to-date with the latest news from around the world. But, producing Democracy Now! isn’t free. Your tax-deductable year-end donation made by clicking here will allow us to maintain our editorial independence and to expand our use of social media.
Social media has created a more vibrant and interactive independent media. As a result, fans like you have directly contributed content to Democracy Now! by posting questions for our guests, participating in real-time discussions, and by sending original videos for us to use in our music breaks. Now is the time for us to ask you for another type of contribution—a financial contribution.
Democracy Now! is YOUR daily grassroots global news hour. Your financial support, story ideas, and activism sustain our work. And please take a moment to share this link to your Facebook friends. Thank you for making Democracy Now! what it is today, and what it can be tomorrow.
Happy New Year.