Here in Marrakech, Morocco, the second week of the 22nd United Nations climate change conference has just begun. On Sunday, thousands marched for climate justice here in Marrakech. The conference has been jolted by the election of Donald Trump in the United States, who has vowed to “cancel the Paris climate agreement and stop all payments of U.S. tax dollars to U.N. global warming programs.” Speaking in Morocco, French Environment Minister Ségolène Royal called Donald Trump’s climate plan “absolutely catastrophic.”
Ségolène Royal: “I think if such decisions are taken, it would be absolutely catastrophic, so I dare to believe that such things are campaign promises to please a certain electorate, which has not understood that global warming is a reality, or to answer the oil and fossil energy lobbies. I think that when he actually takes office, he will see that withdrawing from multilateral negotiations and climate issues would weaken the United States.”
We’ll bring you more on the COP 22 and voices from the climate justice march here in Marrakech later in the broadcast.