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U.K. Prime Minister Apologizes for Grenfell Fire as Report Makes Clear Disaster Was Preventable

HeadlineSep 05, 2024

In Britain, Prime Minister Keir Starmer issued an apology Wednesday as the results of a seven-year investigation into the Grenfell Tower fire concluded the disaster was “avoidable” and was caused by “decades of failure” by the U.K. government and “systematic dishonesty” of the companies that provided insulation and other construction materials in the London tower block. The fire killed 72 people, many of them children and most of them from low-income and immigrant families. This is Natasha Elcock, a survivor and spokesperson for the group Grenfell United.

Natasha Elcock: “We paid the price of systematic dishonesty, institutional indifference and neglect. … Today we send a message to Keir Starmer and his government. This country has been failed by governments of all political persuasions. Our expectation is your government will break old habits and implement all the recommendations made by Sir Martin Moore-Bick’s report without further delay, because the time to address this is already three decades too late.”

Click here to see our interview with a Grenfell survivor.

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