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Democrats Seize Control of House in Widespread Voter Rejection of President Bush and Iraq War, Senate Hangs on Virginia and Montana

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The Democrats have seized control of the House for the first time in 12 years and could also take control of the Senate if they hold on to win two tight races in Montana and Virginia. Tuesday’s election marked a major defeat for the Bush administration and its Iraq war policy. [includes rush transcript]

The Democrats have seized control of the House for the first time in 12 years and could also take control of the Senate if they hold on to win two tight races in Montana and Virginia. Tuesday’s election marked a major defeat for the Bush administration and its Iraq war policy.

As the Democrats take control of the House, California Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi is set to become the country’s first female House speaker. Last night she spoke to supporters in Washington.

  • Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D–CA), speaking at Democratic victory rally, November 7th, 2006.

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This is a rush transcript. Copy may not be in its final form.

AMY GOODMAN: As the Democrats take control of the House for the first time in twelve years, California Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi is set to become the country’s first female House Speaker. Last night, she spoke to supporters in Washington.

NANCY PELOSI: The American people voted to restore integrity and honesty in Washington, D.C., and the Democrats intend to lead the most honest, most open and most ethical congress in history. The American people voted for a new direction for a fairer economy, and Democrats intend to work for an economy where all Americans participate in the prosperity of our great country.

And nowhere did the American people make it more clear that we need a new direction than in the war in Iraq. “Stay the course” has not made our country safer, has not honored our commitment to our troops, and has not made the region more stable. We cannot continue down this catastrophic path. And so we say to the President, “Mr. President, we need a new direction in Iraq.”

AMY GOODMAN: Nancy Pelosi is poised to become the nation’s first female House Speaker.

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