The nationwide uprising against police violence and anti-Black racism saw hundreds of thousands of protesters take to the streets across the U.S over the weekend. In New York, large-scale protests took place throughout the city, many continuing into the night in defiance of an 8 p.m. curfew Friday and Saturday. In San Francisco, thousands of protesters shut down traffic on the Golden Gate Bridge.
In Richmond, Virginia, protesters toppled the Confederate statue of General Williams Carter Wickham and doused it with paint. Many in Virginia, including some of Wickham’s own descendants, had called for the Confederate statue to be torn down for years.
On Friday, protesters around the country wished a happy 27th birthday to Breonna Taylor, who was shot dead by Louisville, Kentucky, police inside her own apartment in March.
This is a protester speaking at a rally in Los Angeles.
Robert McQueen: “Today we’re taking a stand against police brutality, and we’re taking a stand against the system of oppression we see with the police department. And it’s not that it’s a white cop or a Black cop or a Mexican cop. They don’t have color in the police department. They have one color. It’s blue.”
We’ll bring you voices from protests here in New York City later in the broadcast.