On Tuesday, November 8, 2016 (election day) Democracy Now! will
broadcast live for 5 hours from 19:00–23:59 ET. Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez will co-host this special election night coverage with real-time results from presidential, gubernatorial and congressional races, as well as ballot initiatives from around the country.
On Wednesday, November 9, 2016, Democracy Now! will produce a special
extra hour of post-election coverage. We will produce our normal live
news hour
from from 08:00–08:59 ET and then complement that with a second hour
that will air live from 09:00 -9:59 ET. There will be a one-minute music
break between the hours from 08:59-09:00 to allow you to run this as a
single two hour special, or either hour can be aired as its own
standalone broadcast.
The Tuesday, November 08 evening broadcast will be presented as a single
5 hour block with one-minute music breaks at :59 past each hour.
The Wednesday, November 09 morning broadcast will be presented as a
two-hour program
with a one-minute music interlude from 8:59-9:00 so that you can run it
uninterrupted. Alternatively, you can broadcast it as two standalone
hours. Both hours will include news headlines and an outro. The rundown
for the live two-hour program is as follows:
Within the program there will be one minute music breaks at
approximately :20 and :40 past each hour.
If you receive DN! through Content Depot, you must subscribe to these
events through their service. Each event is a separate subscription
named as follows:
7:00-11:59pm ET
Democracy Now! Hour 2: Post Debate Broadcast 11/09/16 9:00-10:00am EPACIFICA KU
The program will feed on the KU left & right channels.
The 11/08 5 hour broadcast will only be carried live.
The 11/09 2 hour broadcast will follow the following schedule:
Left channel (may have 30 sec tones between each hour):
8:00–8:59am ET: Democracy Now! Hour 1 (live) 9:00–9:59am ET: Democracy Now Hour 2 (live) 10:00–10:59am ET: Democracy Now Hour 1 (re-feed) 11:00–11:59 ET: Democracy Now Hour 2 (re-feed) Noon–12:59pm ET: Democracy Now Hour 1 (re-feed)Right channel:
8:00–9:59am ET: Democracy Now! 2 Hours (live) 10:00–11:59am ET: Democracy Now 2 Hours (re-feed) 12:00–13:59pm ET: Democracy Now 2 Hours (re-feed)* *
C-BAND (TV) TRANSMISSION CHANGE Election Night Broadcast ONLY November
On November 08 for our Election Night Broadcast we will be using a
different slot on the same C-band satellite, for this one broadcast only.
All other parameters for the Election Night Broadcast will be
identical to the regular daily show transmission.
We have booked two test windows on the same space for testing:
November 01 1545-1600ET
November 08 1545-1600ET
The new slot is the UPPER slot of the same transponder, so the only
parameter which needs to change is Downlink Frequency : 4169.00 :
1900-2359 ET = 7:00pm-11:59pm ET
Galaxy 16C 23 UPPER
Uplink Frequency : 6394.00 V
Downlink Frequency : 4169.00 H
FEC : 3/4
Data Rate : 18.295441
Symbol Rate : 13.235
Bandwidth : 18.00
MPEG : MPEG-2 4:2:0 NTSC
Modulaton : DVB-S
Modulaton Std : QPSK
Pilot On : No
Thanks, and we apologize for the inconvenience.
C-BAND (TV) Daily show and second hour 11/09 and all other times:
The program will broadcast via the usual space segment:
8:00–9:59am ET
Galaxy 16C 23 lower
Uplink Frequency : 6376.00 V
Downlink Frequency : 4151.00 H
FEC : 3/4
Data Rate : 18.295441
Symbol Rate : 13.235
Bandwidth : 18.00
MPEG : MPEG-2 4:2:0 NTSC
Modulaton : DVB-S
Modulaton Std : QPSK
Pilot On : No
* *
The 11/08 5 hour broadcast will be available live on SD06 only.
The 11/09 2 hour broadcast will be available with both hours as stand
alone programs with headlines and outro on the PBS satellite service as
Files for the special 11/08 5 hour broadcast will be available at
http://www.democracynow.org/static at the top of the page no later than
6:00am 11/9
Files for the 11/09 two-hour broadcast will be available at
http://democracynow.org/static as individual hour-long files or as a
combined 2-hour file. The files will be available for download no later
This information is at:
Editorial Contact:
Mike Burke
212-431-9090 x8815
mike (at) democracynow (dot) org
Technical Contacts:
Paul Huckeby
212-431-9090 x8821
paul (at) democracynow (dot) org
David Prude
212-431-9090 x8887
david (at) democracynow (dot) org