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HeadlinesNovember 01, 2023

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Israeli Strikes Kill at Least 50 Gazans in Jabaliya as Overrun Hospitals on Brink of Catastrophe

Nov 01, 2023

In Gaza, Israel struck the densely populated Jabaliya refugee camp again today, one day after an Israeli air attack killed at least 50 people and injured another 150. This is a doctor who treated victims of the Jabaliya attack at the Indonesian Hospital, where surgeons had to operate in the hallways as the facility was overrun with patients.

Dr. Suaib Idais: “A large number of injured have come to us after the large explosion that shook the entire Jabaliya refugee camp. Hundreds of injuries, hundreds of martyrs. They were just sitting in their homes. They were targeted while they were in their homes. Children, all martyrs. Children, women, elderly. We have no idea what to do. There are injured everywhere. All the volunteers went down hand in hand just to help people.”

The World Health Organization is warning of an “imminent public health catastrophe” in Gaza, with some surgeries performed without anesthesia due to the dire shortage of medical supplies.

Mohamed Abu Al-Qumsan, an engineer with Al Jazeera’s Gaza bureau, lost 19 family members, including his father and two sisters, in Israeli air raids on the Jabaliya camp.

Rafah Border with Egypt Opens for Foreign Nationals and Some Injured Gazans

Nov 01, 2023

The first evacuations from Gaza through the Rafah border crossing with Egypt have begun. Officials are expected to let people with foreign passports and dozens of critically injured residents leave Gaza. The temporary border opening is part of a deal brokered by Qatar.


Antiwar Protesters Disrupt Blinken and Austin Senate Hearings to Call for Ceasefire

Nov 01, 2023

In Washington, D.C., protesters on Tuesday repeatedly disrupted a Senate panel hearing for Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin. Their testimony was in support of President Biden’s request for $106 billion to fund the militaries of Ukraine, Israel and to militarize the U.S.-Mexico border. This is Ann Wright, former U.S. Army colonel and CodePink member.

Ann Wright: “Three thousand five hundred kids dead. Come on. I’m an Army colonel. I’m a former diplomat. I resigned on that War in Iraq that you talked about. That was a terrible thing. And what you’re doing right now in supporting Israel’s genocide of Gaza is a terrible thing, too. Stop the war! Ceasefire now!”

GOP Wants to Divert IRS Funding to Fulfill Biden’s Request for $14 Billion for Israel

Nov 01, 2023

This comes as House Republicans are proposing stripping $14 billion in IRS funding to fulfill Biden’s request for Israeli military aid.
Senate Finance Committee Chair Ron Wyden said in response, “House Republicans are using aid for Israel as a political pawn in order to slash taxes for their wealthy donors. Making it easier for rich people to cheat on their taxes isn’t an offset, it adds to the deficit.”

Newly elected House Speaker Mike Johnson has also said he wants to sever funding for Ukraine from funding for Israel, setting up a likely showdown with Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.

On Tuesday, senators confirmed former Treasury Secretary Jack Lew as the U.S. ambassador to Israel. At his confirmation hearing, Lew said Israel’s “security is paramount.”

Baited by Fox, White House Likens Palestinian Rights Protests to Charlottesville

Nov 01, 2023

The White House evoked the white supremacists who marched in Charlottesville in 2017 when answering questions about Palestinian rights protesters. This is White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre responding to Fox reporter Peter Doocy.

Peter Doocy: “We hear you guys, though, talk about extremists all the time. It is usually about MAGA extremists. So, what about these protesters who are making Jewish students” —

Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre: “I have been very, very clear” —

Peter Doocy: — “feel unsafe on college campuses? Are they extremists?

Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre: “I have been very, very clear: We are calling out any form of hate.”

Bernice King Corrects Record on Her Father After Misleading Tweet by Amy Schumer

Nov 01, 2023

Bernice King, lawyer and daughter of Martin Luther King Jr., responded to a post by comedian Amy Schumer, who shared a video of Dr. King condemning antisemitism and defending Israel’s right to exist. Bernice King wrote, “Certainly, my father was against antisemitism. He also believed militarism (along with racism and poverty) to be among the interconnected Triple Evils. I am certain he would call for Israel’s bombing of Palestinians to cease.”

“A Text-Book Case of Genocide”: New York’s U.N. Rights Chief Steps Down over Response to Gaza Assault

Nov 01, 2023

Here in New York, Craig Mokhiber, the director of the New York Office of the U.N. High Commissioner of Human Rights and longtime human rights lawyer, stepped down in protest over the U.N.'s failure to stop the humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza, which he called a “text-book case of genocide.” He blamed the U.S., the U.K. and much of Europe for its complicity. We'll be joined by Craig Mokhiber later in the broadcast.

Chile and Colombia Recall Ambassadors to Israel; Bolivia Cuts Diplomatic Ties with Israel

Nov 01, 2023

Chile and Colombia have recalled their ambassadors to Israel, while Bolivia has cut diplomatic ties with Israel, citing crimes against humanity.

Freddy Mamani: “Based on its principled stance of respect toward life, Bolivia has decided to break diplomatic relations with the Israeli state in repudiation and condemnation of the aggressive and disproportionate Israeli military offensive taking place in the Gaza Strip, which threatens international peace and security.”

In Belgium, transportation unions have called on their over 3 million members to refuse to aid in the delivery of weapons to Israel, citing its genocide against Palestinians. The unions called for a ceasefire and asked the Belgian government to not allow arms to travel through Belgian ports.

Houthis Say They Launched Air Attacks in Southern Israel

Nov 01, 2023

Yemen’s Houthi militia said it launched air attacks in southern Israel Tuesday in response to the “brutal Israeli-American aggression in Gaza.” Separately, Israel said it thwarted air attacks but did not disclose the source. This comes after Saudi Arabia said four of its soldiers died last week while fighting Houthi rebels on its border with Yemen.

The U.S. announced this week it is sending an additional 300 troops to the Middle East to “support regional deterrence efforts.”

Iranian Authorities Detain, Beat World-Renowned Human Rights Lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh

Nov 01, 2023

In Iran, authorities have detained prominent human rights lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh. Sotoudeh was arrested and severely beaten by police Sunday while she attended the funeral of 16-year-old Armita Geravand, who died of brain injuries last week after she was reportedly assaulted by Iran’s morality police at a Tehran subway station in early October. Police also attacked and arrested other activists and mourners at the funeral as they demanded justice for Geravand. Sotoudeh has been arrested and imprisoned several times before.

China-Mediated Plan to Repatriate Rohingya Refugees to Burma Advances Despite Fears of More Violence

Nov 01, 2023

Burma is formalizing efforts to repatriate Rohingya refugees who’ve fled genocide and persecution since 2017. Burmese officials met with Rohingya refugee families in Bangladesh Tuesday to discuss the repatriation plan, which was negotiated by Burma, Bangladesh and China back in April. Burma has said it’s ready to accept the return of some 3,000 Rohingya refugees by December. But refugees have refused to go back, fearing further violence. Rohingya leaders said certain demands should be met, including resettlement to their own land and being granted citizenship. Rohingya community members have also said they’ve been threatened into accepting repatriation, while Burmese officials claim the move would be voluntary. About 1 million Rohingya refugees live in Bangladesh.

Pakistani Police Arrest Afghan Nationals as Crackdown on Immigrants Intensifies

Nov 01, 2023

Pakistani police have started arresting Afghans as part of a nationwide crackdown on immigrants. Over 4 million Afghans live in Pakistan; Islamabad says nearly 2 million of them are undocumented. Tens of thousands of Afghans were forced to return to Afghanistan in the last month, since Pakistani authorities threatened them with mass deportation if they did not leave by November 1, today. Many Afghans, who’ve called Pakistan home for decades, fear having to live under Taliban rule and say they have nothing to go back to in Afghanistan.

Afghan immigrant: “We are helpless. We have nothing in our homeland. No home, nowhere to go. For the past two days we have been waiting here, but no one is doing anything about our crossing over. What should we do? Now that we have come here, we should at least be allowed to cross over.”

King Charles Expresses “Deepest Regret” for Colonial Violence in Kenya But Does Not Offer Apology

Nov 01, 2023

King Charles has acknowledged Britain’s “deepest regret” for its “abhorrent and unjustifiable acts of violence” committed against former colony Kenya. But King Charles stopped short of an apology as he delivered his speech during a banquet as part of his four-day trip to Kenya. The Kenya Human Rights Commission had called on Charles to offer an “unequivocal public apology.” The group estimates that the Mau Mau revolt in central Kenya between 1952 and 1960 killed or maimed some 90,000 Kenyans. Another 160,000 were detained. The U.K. agreed in 2013 to a 20 million pound settlement for the atrocities it committed.

This is the great-grandson of King Koitalel arap Samoei, a Nandi chief who fought to end British colonial rule at the turn of the last century.

Kipchoge arap Chomu: “In fact, we don’t request. In fact, we have to demand a public apology from the government of British because of the atrocities they made on our people. The first one is an apology. After the apologies, we also expect a reparation.”

Michigan Closes Cases Against Public Officials Responsible for Flint Water Crisis

Nov 01, 2023

The Michigan Attorney General’s Office is closing its criminal pursuit of public officials responsible for the Flint water crisis, including former Governor Rick Snyder. It’s been nearly 10 years since Michigan leaders switched the city’s drinking water source to the Flint River to save money. The water corroded Flint’s aging pipes, causing poisonous levels of lead to leach into the drinking water, causing many residents in the majority-Black city, particularly children, to develop health problems. An outbreak of Legionnaires’ disease killed at least 12 people.

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